Monday, November 10, 2008

Causes of Anemia

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As we mentioned in previous articles we know that it is hard to believe that America, a country with one of the highest standard of living in the world having over 20 million people with the disease of anemia caused by unhealthy diet, and nutritional deficiency, with protein and fat intake 30% more than any other country in the world. Most people understand that anemia is caused by iron deficiency in the bloodstream. In fact, anemia is characterized by deficiency in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells diminishing the ability of the blood to transport oxygen to our cells and to remove carbon dioxide. In this article, we will discuss causes of anemia.

1. Hemolysis
Hemolysis is an anemia caused by the breaking down of red blood cells as a result of immune reactions, and toxin and poisons. Treatments are hemodialysis or surgery.

2. Decreased red cell production by the bone marrow
Bone marrow is a soft fatty tissue found inside of the body's bones. If bone marrow becomes defective or malfunctions, it causes an abnormality in the production of any of the mature blood cells resulting in decreased production of red blood cells, or the rapid loss of red blood cells.

3. Blood loss
Blood loss can be as a result of very heavy menstrual periods. Women can become anemic if they ignore the needs of their monthly menstruation because their blood rises and falls in a cyclical fashion. Therefore more blood nutrition is needed to counter the loss of blood during menstruation. Certain health issues may also contribute to iron loss, including chronic bleeding of the gums, hemorrhoids, or ulcer and chronic ulcer.

4. Chronic illness or anemia of inflammation
Anemia of inflammation often closely resembles iron-deficiency anemia caused by high levels of ferritin blocking release of iron in the cells into the bloodstream or high levels of transferin binding onto iron. Resent study shows that inflammation also appears to affect other important elements of iron metabolism because inflammation causes the liver to produce morw hepcidin that blocks the ferropotin to release iron.

5. Cancer therapy
Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy can reduce the production of red blood cells of the bone resulting in less oxygen in the bloodstream being transported to all parts of our body's cells.

6. Excessive alcohol drinking
Alcohol is a stimulant. Excessive alcohol drinking can contribute to vitamin deficiency , anemia, as well as inflammation anemia. It's recommended that men have no more than two drinks a day, and that women limit alcohol intake to one drink daily.

7. Smoking
Smoking causes the depletion of oxygen levels in the bloodstream as well as blocking the absorption of vital nutrients, such as folate acid and vitamin C, raising the risk of vitamin deficiency anemia.

I hope this information will help , if you need more information of the above subject please follow my series of the above subject at my home page at:

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